Honeypot Checker for BSC/ETH | Smart Contract Token Audit

Protect Your Investments with Our Honeypot Checker and Smart Contract Audit.

Frequently Asked Questions about Honeypot Check.

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Honeypot Checker

Don't get stuck in honeypots,
check the audit before you ape!

ApeSpace Token Audit

We can not guarantee 100% accuracy of results. Newly created tokens may contain malicious and new ways to obscure an audit’s accuracy. More.

This token has not verified their contract. Some results may be unknown.

This token is using a proxy contract. Some results may be unknown.




None Found




None found

Balances Modifiable

None found

Verified Contract


Proxy Contract


Ownership Renounced


Buy Tax


Sell Tax


External Calls


Wallet Tax


Permanent Ownership


Tax Modifiable


Transfers Pausable


Sell Limit

None found

Anti-Whale Mechanism


Transfer Cooldown






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How does it work?

ApeSpace Token Audit

The Honeypot Checker tests if a certain token is a honeypot or not, by simulating a buy and sell of the token. The checker has extra steps to ensure the results are more accurate. The detector then flags the token as a potential honeypot, allowing users to make an informed decision before investing. This method is not foolproof. A token that isn't a honeypot now, could still become one in the future.

What is a crypto honeypot?

A crypto honeypot is a malicious smart contract in the cryptocurrency space designed to trap investors' funds. The smart contract is programmed in a way that only the owner can access and remove the purchased tokens, making it impossible for investors to retrieve their funds.

How do honeypots differ from other crypto scams?

Honeypots are particularly dangerous because they are harder to detect compared to other types of scams in the crypto space. Even experienced traders can fall victim to this type of attack.

Can I retrieve my funds if I fall victim to a honeypot scam?

No, once your funds are deposited into a honeypot smart contract, it is impossible to retrieve them.

Why are honeypots dangerous?

Honeypots are dangerous because they are disguised as legitimate investment opportunities and can easily trap even experienced traders. The smart contract is programmed in a way that only the owner can access and remove the deposited tokens, making it impossible for the investors to retrieve their funds.

Are honeypot detectors 100% accurate?

No, honeypot detectors are not 100% accurate as they rely on available information and can sometimes miss important factors or overlook red flags. It is important to use honeypot detectors as a tool to support your own research and decision-making, rather than relying solely on their advice.