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TESO is a combination of multiple bots, already running based on a huge and rich database of the market that has been collected over many months. We help new investors feel more secure when investing in fresh launch projects on DEXs, reducing the minimum risk and creating real value for users. TESO bots, signals will be available for free with basic functionality, which will allow users to detect some common information about projects. However, in order to conduct more advance function, join private AI signal channels, votes users will need to hold some of our $TESO tokens. Total supply: 100,000,000 $TESO 93% Liquidity 3% Hub (Lock) 4% Influencer & team
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TeSo (TeSo) contract address is 0xbe1bc2e2338defcd88e7f9f5f745ddb222180ab9.
TeSo (TeSo) pool was created 1 year ago.
The best way to purchase TeSo is using the ApeSpace Swap feature that automatically finds the cheapest and fastest swap option for you.
The current price of TeSo (TeSo) in USD today is $0.0₄2707.
The trading volume of TeSo (TeSo) is $80.53 in the last 24 hours.
TeSo (TeSo) price has a 24-hour high of $0.0₄2707 and its 24-hour low so far is $0.0₄2707.
There is currently $1,673.57 in the TeSo / WETH liquidity pool.
TeSo (TeSo) has a 5% tax on any buys and a 5% tax on any sells.
TeSo (TeSo) currently has 687 holders.
Market capitalization of TeSo (TeSo) is $2,690.28. Market cap is measured by multiplying token price with the circulating supply of TeSo (TeSo) tokens.