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Rubic's Best Rate Finder tool for crypto swaps aggregates 70+ blockchains, 220+ DEXs and bridges, and 15,500+ crypto assets. In one click, you can find the best swap rate, highest liquidity, and transaction speeds. Users no longer have to roam across Web3 platforms comparing rates and liquidity; you can now make cross-chain and on-chain swaps between any 2 available tokens in web3 directly on https://app.rubic.exchange/. Crypto traders can also integrate Rubic within their MetaMask wallet. Using our built-in Best Rate Finder MetaMask Snap, you can automatically search and compare rates for any on-chain swap directly in your wallet: https://snaps.metamask.io/snap/npm/rubic-snap/. We also provide tools for dApps to enable cross-chain swaps. Rubic’s functionality can be implemented by any crypto project willing to become interoperable, with an easy-to-install widget and fully customizable SDK. The Rubic token serves as fuel for Rubic’s ecosystem and has the following token utility: - SDK subscriptions & Integration Service Fee in RBC - Grant programs for SDK integrators will be covered in RBC - Governance - Token holders can participate in decentralized decision-making. - Low fees for RBC holders - Cut costs of cross-chain calls, exchange fees, and gasless fees. - Distribution of partners’ airdrops to RBC holders
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RUBIC TOKEN (RBC) contract address is 0x3330bfb7332ca23cd071631837dc289b09c33333.
RUBIC TOKEN (RBC) pool was created 2 years ago.
The best way to purchase RUBIC TOKEN is using the ApeSpace Swap feature that automatically finds the cheapest and fastest swap option for you.
The current price of RUBIC TOKEN (RBC) in USD today is $0.0211.
The trading volume of RUBIC TOKEN (RBC) is $38,260.26 in the last 24 hours.
RUBIC TOKEN (RBC) price has a 24-hour high of $0.0253 and its 24-hour low so far is $0.0197.
There is currently $164,484.07 in the RBC / WETH liquidity pool.
RUBIC TOKEN (RBC) has a 0% tax on any buys and a 0% tax on any sells.
RUBIC TOKEN (RBC) currently has 2694 holders.
Market capitalization of RUBIC TOKEN (RBC) is $4M. Market cap is measured by multiplying token price with the circulating supply of RUBIC TOKEN (RBC) tokens.