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DeFiChain is a decentralized blockchain platform dedicated to enable fast, intelligent, and transparent decentralized financial services. Unlike most of the other DeFi projects that are built on the Ethereum network, DeFiChain is built on bitcoin (as a software fork), and is anchored to the bitcoin blockchain (via merkle root) every few minutes for maximum security DeFiChain is designed to be non-Turing complete to reduce smart contract errors (extremely important for finance transactions) and its op codes only allow run decentralized finance dapps. This ensures that only financial transactions are possible, instead of having games and casinos clogging the ecosystem and causing high transaction fees. Upcoming features of the DeFiChain include Decentralized: Lending, Wrapping of Tokens, Pricing Oracles, Exchanges, Transferable Debts and Receivables, Non-Collateralized Debt, Asset Tokenization, Distribution of Dividends, and YIELD FARMING!
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DeFiChain Token (DFI) contract address is 0x8fc8f8269ebca376d046ce292dc7eac40c8d358a.
DeFiChain Token (DFI) pool was created 4 years ago.
The best way to purchase DeFiChain Token is using the ApeSpace Swap feature that automatically finds the cheapest and fastest swap option for you.
The current price of DeFiChain Token (DFI) in USD today is $0.0212.
The trading volume of DeFiChain Token (DFI) is $3,129.54 in the last 24 hours.
DeFiChain Token (DFI) price has a 24-hour high of $0.0259 and its 24-hour low so far is $0.0199.
There is currently $8,108.76 in the DFI / WETH liquidity pool.
DeFiChain Token (DFI) has a 0% tax on any buys and a 0% tax on any sells.
DeFiChain Token (DFI) currently has 4481 holders.
Market capitalization of DeFiChain Token (DFI) is $657,154.15. Market cap is measured by multiplying token price with the circulating supply of DeFiChain Token (DFI) tokens.