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Chainlink is a framework for building Decentralized Oracle Networks (DONs) that bring real-world data onto blockchain networks, enabling the creation of hybrid smart contracts. These DONs provide decentralized services such as Price Feeds, Proof of Reserve, Verifiable Randomness, Keepers, and the ability to connect to any web API. It aims to ensure that the external information (pricing, weather data, event outcomes, etc.) and off-chain computations (randomness, transaction automation, fair ordering, etc.) fed to on-chain smart contracts are reliable and tamper-proof.
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ChainLink Token (LINK) contract address is 0x514910771af9ca656af840dff83e8264ecf986ca.
ChainLink Token (LINK) pool was created 4 years ago.
The best way to purchase ChainLink Token is using the ApeSpace Swap feature that automatically finds the cheapest and fastest swap option for you.
The current price of ChainLink Token (LINK) in USD today is $26.98.
The trading volume of ChainLink Token (LINK) is $34M in the last 24 hours.
ChainLink Token (LINK) price has a 24-hour high of $27.04 and its 24-hour low so far is $23.80.
There is currently $41M in the LINK / WETH liquidity pool.
ChainLink Token (LINK) has a 0% tax on any buys and a 0% tax on any sells.
ChainLink Token (LINK) currently has 728738 holders.
Market capitalization of ChainLink Token (LINK) is $27B. Market cap is measured by multiplying token price with the circulating supply of ChainLink Token (LINK) tokens.