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Baby Doge Coin is a meme cryptocurrency designed to be deflationary and more scarce over time. All holders of Baby Doge will earn more baby doge that is automatically sent to your wallet by simply holding Baby Doge coins in your wallet. Watch the amount of baby doge grow in your wallet as baby doge coin holders automatically receive a 5% fee from every on chain transaction that happens on the Baby Doge ecosystem. The community receives more baby doge coins from the fees generated each transaction.
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Baby Doge Coin (BabyDoge) contract address is 0xac57de9c1a09fec648e93eb98875b212db0d460b.
Baby Doge Coin (BabyDoge) pool was created 9 months ago.
The best way to purchase Baby Doge Coin is using the ApeSpace Swap feature that automatically finds the cheapest and fastest swap option for you.
The current price of Baby Doge Coin (BabyDoge) in USD today is $0.0₉9744.
The trading volume of Baby Doge Coin (BabyDoge) is $15,664.02 in the last 24 hours.
Baby Doge Coin (BabyDoge) price has a 24-hour high of $0.0₉9948 and its 24-hour low so far is $0.0₉9580.
There is currently $1M in the BabyDoge / WETH liquidity pool.
Baby Doge Coin (BabyDoge) has a 0% tax on any buys and a 0% tax on any sells.
Baby Doge Coin (BabyDoge) currently has 18582 holders.
Market capitalization of Baby Doge Coin (BabyDoge) is $91M. Market cap is measured by multiplying token price with the circulating supply of Baby Doge Coin (BabyDoge) tokens.