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Hitmakr is a groundbreaking web3 audio platform token developed on ethereum blockchain to revolutionize the music industry by prioritizing artists' rights, transparency, and fair compensation. Our mission is to empower musicians and content creators, allowing them to take control of their work, maximize revenue, and build a sustainable career in the digital age. Hitmakr is focused on generating value through gating, ownership and licensing. We aim to create a place where creators can generate value through creating audio that their communities can truly own and use.
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HITMAKR (HMKR) contract address is 0x3300b02efa180c99a2f61f4731665b51e4e254c4.
HITMAKR (HMKR) pool was created 6 months ago.
The best way to purchase HITMAKR is using the ApeSpace Swap feature that automatically finds the cheapest and fastest swap option for you.
The current price of HITMAKR (HMKR) in USD today is $0.0₃2769.
The trading volume of HITMAKR (HMKR) is $3.99 in the last 24 hours.
HITMAKR (HMKR) price has a 24-hour high of $0.0₃2769 and its 24-hour low so far is $0.0₃2769.
There is currently $38,576.15 in the HMKR / WETH liquidity pool.
HITMAKR (HMKR) has a 4% tax on any buys and a 4% tax on any sells.
HITMAKR (HMKR) currently has 890 holders.
Market capitalization of HITMAKR (HMKR) is $83,059.88. Market cap is measured by multiplying token price with the circulating supply of HITMAKR (HMKR) tokens.