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The creation of the Go F*ck Yourself token was inspired by an interview with Elon Musk. It symbolizes the right of every individual to stand up against unfairness, political oppression, or economic pressures. This cryptocurrency represents freedom for those unafraid to challenge norms and break barriers. It also speaks to those who feel they have nothing left but the courage to say the right three words. Elon Musk has not only inspired the creation of our project but continues to serve as a thought leader for our community. While we don’t agree with him on everything, we recognize him as perhaps the only person in the world with both the intellect and financial resources to sustain a free speech platform like X. Together, our voice will be heard. Just as Elon Musk fearlessly expresses his views, GFY embodies the freedom to speak your mind without constraints. Join our community and help transform cryptocurrency into what it was always meant to be.
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go fu*k yourself. (GFY) contract address is 0x2d9d7c64f6c00e16c28595ec4ebe4065ef3a250b.
go fu*k yourself. (GFY) pool was created 1 year ago.
The best way to purchase go fu*k yourself. is using the ApeSpace Swap feature that automatically finds the cheapest and fastest swap option for you.
The current price of go fu*k yourself. (GFY) in USD today is $0.0₆3439.
The trading volume of go fu*k yourself. (GFY) is $366.64 in the last 24 hours.
go fu*k yourself. (GFY) price has a 24-hour high of $0.0₆3495 and its 24-hour low so far is $0.0₆3439.
There is currently $105,088.54 in the GFY / WETH liquidity pool.
go fu*k yourself. (GFY) has a 0% tax on any buys and a 0% tax on any sells.
go fu*k yourself. (GFY) currently has 4175 holders.
Market capitalization of go fu*k yourself. (GFY) is $234,560.15. Market cap is measured by multiplying token price with the circulating supply of go fu*k yourself. (GFY) tokens.