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Beta Finance is the permissionless money market for borrowing, lending, and shorting crypto assets. This means that anyone at anytime is able to create a money market for any crypto asset. Lenders are able to now earn risk-free yield (as high as 1000+%) on not only popular assets, but also the long tail of crypto assets, including yield farmed tokens, that exist today! Easily deposit your tokens on Beta into the token's money market, or create it yourself if it's not there yet. Borrowers are able to borrow crypto assets by supplying ETH and/or Stablecoin as collateral. This gives users flexibility when interacting with other protocols that requires using assets they currently do not have without losing their current positions. Traders are able to short sell any crypto asset by using their ETH and/or Stablecoin as collateral. Beta provides an integrated "1-Click" Short that makes initiating and managing short positions simple. Liquidators are able to earn a premium bounty reward for monitoring and liquidating under-collateralized positions.
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Beta Token (BETA) contract address is 0xbe1a001fe942f96eea22ba08783140b9dcc09d28.
Beta Token (BETA) pool was created 3 years ago.
The best way to purchase Beta Token is using the ApeSpace Swap feature that automatically finds the cheapest and fastest swap option for you.
The current price of Beta Token (BETA) in USD today is $0.0439.
The trading volume of Beta Token (BETA) is $6,582.73 in the last 24 hours.
Beta Token (BETA) price has a 24-hour high of $0.0445 and its 24-hour low so far is $0.0428.
There is currently $235,270.40 in the BETA / WBNB liquidity pool.
Beta Token (BETA) has a 0% tax on any buys and a 0% tax on any sells.
Beta Token (BETA) currently has 19388 holders.
Market capitalization of Beta Token (BETA) is $44M. Market cap is measured by multiplying token price with the circulating supply of Beta Token (BETA) tokens.